26 August 2022 In-Store Audio Streaming & Announcements Streaming for background music and messages to many sites is cost-effective in places where a internet connection is available and reliable. Barix RetailPlayer platform provides a complete solution with robust decoder units and a cloud configuration and management platform. Via QR code, the user can be given access to his player configuration for example to select a channel or to play a preloaded music file (e.g. happy birthday song). Managed firmware update via portal and many more features make RetailPlayer the most flexible distributed stream player solution on the market. {{widget type=”Barix\Widgets\Block\Adminhtml\Widget\Diagram” diagram_url=”SG-InStore-Audio-Streaming.svg” links=”biss400=/p/S400/[object%20Object];bisipformer=/tpa400; bisretailplayerportal=/retailplayer”}} Applications Background music for In-store, gym, church, hotels Streaming audio and messages to many sites QR code based access to player management for channelselection, message playback, volume control and more